water painting #6

Export to PDF | Export to DOCOne of the elements I’m trying to create in each of my WATER paintings is the feeling that the grasses are gently moving in the breeze. Our neighbors have some of these same grasses at the end of their driveway, so every time I drive, run, or walk past […]

water painting #2 (part 3)

This oil painting is inspired by a camping trip we took to Edisto Beach State Park over Labor Day last year…

30 Pounds of Peaches

Export to PDF | Export to DOCPeaches are my husband Tim’s favorite fruit. So for Father’s Day I decided to make him some canned peaches. Too bad that I didn’t really know what I was doing. 🙂 My mom and I attempted to can peaches about 15 years ago, but it was just the blind […]

crazy-colored shadows (water #1: part 5)

Export to PDF | Export to DOCThis entire week I’ve been finishing up the last details on ALL of the six paintings in my newest series called WATER. I realized this week that one way to get grassy areas to look alive, is to focus on the shadows — as opposed to focusing on painting the […]

water painting #4 (part 4)

I just finished an oil painting of a fishing dock in Edisto Beach State Park. My blog shows photos of my progress.

celebrating the summer solstice while painting Water #6

So many grasses to paint on “water #6.” This painting is inspired from the shores of Lake Michigan.

The hunt for two matching chairs

Export to PDF | Export to DOCMy living room currently contains all the furniture we didn’t have a place for when we moved into this house. It looks fine, but the chairs were all chosen to match the decor of my living room back in 2001. This week my sister-in-law Hope was visiting, so I […]

painting what’s not really there (water painting #6)

Here’s the latest photos of my progress on Water Painting #6–a scene inspired from the shores of Lake Michigan.

Greenville Drive vs. Greensboro Grasshoppers (This should be a painting!)

This fall I’m planning on painting a scene from a Greenville Drive baseball game. Here’s some photos I took at a game.

What’s blooming right now?

Export to PDF | Export to DOCBlue HYDRANGEAS and white GARDENIAS are flowering in my yard right now. Looking at them makes my insides smile.