Happy May Day! A New bouquet for YOU…

Export to PDF | Export to DOC “Mrs. Horton’s Roses” is one of my most recent paintings. I created it during the month of March to tide us over until the flowers began to bloom again. In the spirit of “May Day,” I am leaving this small bouquet at your virtual doorstep. Enjoy this celebration of spring for the entire month […]

A picture of HOPE for your March Desktop

Export to PDF | Export to DOC“Gardenia” is the name of my most recent oil painting. It was inspired by a photo I took one warm and dewey summer morning in my backyard. Nothing beats the fragrance of a large mass of flowering Gardenia bushes. I hope this calendar is a reminder to you that […]

An evergreen flower for your February Desktop

Export to PDF | Export to DOCHELLEBORE • ©2014 Marie Scott • click on this image to download this free computer desktop calendar “Hellebore” is the name of one of my most recent paintings. It was inspired by a photo I took one winter morning at Falls Park in Greenville, SC . This beautiful flower was blooming […]