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the sunny side of the fence (“adams lane” day 4)

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ADAMS LANE • 24 inches x 36 inches • in progress

Here's where I had left off yesterday.

My goal for today is to get the white fence in the left corner started and finished. This took me most of the day.

Here's a closeup. The sides with the shadows get outlined in blue...

Then I go back and add a coat of white paint that's slightly tinted blue. (The sunny side of the fence gets white paint that's slightly tinted yellow.)

I finished the white fence (which is really more a yellow and blue fence,) and then began the posts for the barbed wire fence. I love painting things made out of wood like these tree-trunk-looking posts. Not sure why... maybe because they are quick and easy.

My work day is over. But before I quit I began adding leaves to the large trees on the farm.

I spent most of my day painting a fence.

There are about 55 different little pieces that make up the white fence. So this part of the painting is a rather slow-going process. But the reward is most satisfying!

My favorite thing about the fence is the contrast between the two sides. I wanted a strong feeling of sunshine, so there’s a “sunny side” and a “shadow side.”

As you may have guessed… I prefer the sunny side of the fence!

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